healthy salts

Tissue salts Supplier: Canada Drug Superstore / Tissue salts » Quick link>:
The 12 Cell Salts are made from the natural medicine compounds that combine with water and organic matter to compose the cells and tissues of our bodi… More…
Supplier: Canada Drug Superstore Product types: ,
Himalayan Crystal Salt Supplier: Mercola / Himalayan Crystal Salt » Quick link>:
Salt is essential for life: — you cannot live without it. However, most people simply don’t realize that there are enormous differences between the st… More…
Supplier: Mercola Product types: 
Schuessler's Cell Salts Supplier: iHerb / Schuessler's Cell Salts » Quick link>:
A combination of all 12 of Schuessler’s Cell Salts for relief of symptoms of colds, simple nervous tension, headaches. More…
Supplier: iHerb Product types: , ,
Gourment Himalayan Crystal Salt Supplier: GAMA Himalayan salt / Gourmet Himalayan Crystal Salt » Quick link>:
Pure, unpolluted salt with the same 84 trace minerals as the human body. More…
Supplier: GAMA Himalayan salt Product types: ,
Himalayan Salt Lamp Supplier: GAMA Himalayan salt / Himalayan Salt Lamps » Quick link>:
Himalayan Salt Lamps: Nature’s Natural Ionizer. Learn why you should buy a Himalayan Salt Lamp. More…
Supplier: GAMA Himalayan salt Product types: , ,