Homeopathy at Home

Supplier: Hahnemann Clinic

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Homeopathy at Home: Everything You Need to Get Started with Confidence (Health at Home)

Everything You Need to Get Started with Confidence (Health at Home)

You’ve heard about homeopathy as a safe alternative to drugs and are now interested in learning more about this 200-year old system of medicine. You are want to know how to use homeopathy for yourself and your family.

This book is exactly what you are looking for.

With this book, you will

  1. Learn the fundamentals of homeopathy in a clear, direct and non-technical way so that you can decide if this is something you want to explore more as an alternative to conventional drugs,
  2. Learn basic first-aid prescribing with homeopathic remedies to resolve many if not most emergencies on your own,
  3. Learn how to purchase homeopathic remedies for home use.

With what you learn you will gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you can act confidently and help immediately in a home emergency, even while waiting for help to arrive, instead of feeling helpless and anxious.

And finally, with this book you will

Save money that would otherwise be spent on expensive trips to practitioners for things you can easily and readily handle yourself, safely and effectively, Save time not going to crowded emergency departments or local clinics and often waiting for hours to be seen.

This book is designed to enable individuals and parents to start using homeopathic medicine with confidence in clearly defined situations at home or in any family setting.

In addition, this book contains more detailed sections about:

  1. Homeopathic Pharmacy: the nature, preparation and administration of medicines (generally termed remedies).
  2. Scientific evidence as to the effectiveness of homeopathy.
  3. Sources of supply for homeopathic medicines or remedies.
  4. Information on where to look for more training to become a practitioner.

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