Ultimate super berry
Supplier: Living Fuel UK
UK distributor for Living Fuel products, a top of the line, all inclusive supplement. More / see all items from this supplier…These all-natural organic berries-based Superfood Smoothie drink mixes have the same concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fats, enzymes, co-enzymes, herbs, botanical extracts and soluble plant fibers as the original Living Fuel Rx. But instead of greens, each serving of these whole meal superfoods contains over 120 grams of whole organic berries, including blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and cranberries.
These powerhouse products have unprecedented levels of broad-spectrum antioxidants. Super Berry checks in with a Super ORAC of 15,700+, while Super Berry Ultimate is off the charts at 22,700+.
Product type(s): antioxidants, meal replacements, omega 3s
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