Autism The Journey Back, Hebrew edition

Supplier: Hahnemann Clinic

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Autism The Journey Back - Hebrew edition

Book: Autism The Journey Back Recovering the self through Heilkunst. Hebrew edition, translation by Sharon Anaise Haimovich, M.D.

Sharon Anaise Haimovich, M.D., graduated from Tel Aviv University Medical School, in Israel in 1996. In a search to help her oldest son, diagnosed with autism, she came upon the book, Autism: The Journey Back, Recovering the Self Through Heilkunst by Rudi Verspoor and Patty Smith. Thus began a journey of healing for Sharon and her entire family and, in hopes that other families in her home country benefit from this therapy, she set out to translate the book into Hebrew. Dr. Haimovich is currently residing in the U.S., training in the field of Child Development.

We would like to thank Mr. Ofir Bedusa for his hard work and professionalism in translating this text, as well as Mr. Itamar Ban for his expert editing.

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